Find answers to frequently asked questions about Loyellllo

Here is an overview of F.A.Qs we think will help you get set up quickly :

How do I publish a service and get started ?

First off, do you have an account ? If not, visit the home page and create an account.
When you have an accound set up, you can create a service simply by adding a name and a description. These are the two minimum pieces of information needed to save your service. Remember though, it is far clearer if you add more information about your service, add a description of the type of reward you give out when someone has a fully stamped card. Feel free to also upload an picture - this also personalises the loyaloty cards issued by this service.
Once you're ready to start your loyalty scheme, select 'Ask to be published' .
This will mean your service will be reviewed before being properly published - this take at most 2 days, but should be done within a few hours. And that's it !

How many Services can I have ?

As many as you please ! And you can also give out as many loyalty cards as you wish too !
Our model is based on offering a paid plan for emailing which allows you to communicate with your loyalty card holders, eithr to thank them or to communicate with them - say... to let them know about a promotional offer on, or what's new on your menu etc...

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